Global Warming is Bullshit

Earth , a small planet where the dominant life form called humans are so puffed up with their own importance in the universe that they think they can destroy their planet with Nuclear bombs and global warming. And they want to spread this nonsense to other planets. Yeah.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Red Tide and Computer geek info

Hey people,

If you were wondering about that arrrrgggh feeling in your throat etc., that's RED TIDE (not a new version of TIDE detergent) but a nasty bloomin thing from the Gulf.
Vicks 44 is my cure along with staying indoors or at least a mile north of the gulf.
The GOOD news: It does not show up every year and is not usual in October.

Geek of the week tip: If you get that nasty virus that corrupts your system operating files causing your computer to restart over and over and over again....
You are gonna wish you had Norton Go-BACK from SYMANTEC. You can use it to Restore your computer to a previous time from minutes to hours to days.Dude, IT Works !
Faster than working with emergency disks that you may not have updated for months...
Symantec tech support is great as well.