Global Warming is Bullshit

Earth , a small planet where the dominant life form called humans are so puffed up with their own importance in the universe that they think they can destroy their planet with Nuclear bombs and global warming. And they want to spread this nonsense to other planets. Yeah.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Investors Know how to Cherry Pick

Lately we talk a lot about "end Users" the people who want a primary home or second vacation home and who are are not in any hurry to sell anytime soon as the main group of buyers we agents have to work with right now.

And then we tend to lump Investors and Speculators together .

Investors look at the current market to cherry pick the good buys and can have a 5 year or longer time frame for holding a property for rental / second home use.

Speculators tend to look for the fast buck in a quick paced market.

And we have several agents and non agents who move from house to house every two years or so for Tax reasons.

We really have a varied market with several sub-markets and several types of buyers.

It keeps this profession interesting.