Global Warming is Bullshit

Earth , a small planet where the dominant life form called humans are so puffed up with their own importance in the universe that they think they can destroy their planet with Nuclear bombs and global warming. And they want to spread this nonsense to other planets. Yeah.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

$100 million + homes becoming.....

Not unheard of,,,,,,

Trump's home, Aspen, lake tahoe......

$100 Mill

A new space race.....

Friday, September 29, 2006

Senator kicks Global Warming Media

Senator Kicks it

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Stop the blame game

Stop the blame directed at the real estate agents because they "caused" the bubble and treated property like internet stocks , Blah blah blah......

The average real estate agent controls very little that happens on this little cosmic dust ball
we call Earth people.

And everyone likes a party and a market that only goes up.....

Like is change and nothing but change........we are just along for the ride............

Stop the negative......

Negative Comments, bitching, moaning,,, enough is enough.

We have to start being more positive if we want people to feel positive about buying here and living here.

So if you don't feel positive ,,,, please drink in silence.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I can't afford to live here anymore

Did you guys see last Sundays article about the dude with the 120K house in Ft. Walton Beach
(there was never a fort there and where is that beach?) whose insurance and property taxes are soaring by 8k a year?

Damn, as they say in Arkansas "That ain't right"

There is gonna be Hell to pay if property taxes are not brought down.

Hey mr. Insurance company , can you say "Class Action" ?

Get ready to reap the whirlwind..... REAP IT.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Dude, where is The emerald coast?

Heard of Destin?

Between Panama City and Pensacola?

Heard of SEASIDE ?

Southwest of the state Capital, Tallahassee ?

Near Eglin Air Force Base (largest in the World) ?

Where people from Atlanta , Birmingham, Nashville etc . drive to the Beach?

Political Spot

Nuke the enemy.

Who are the enemies of the people ?

The most convenient and obvious enemies at the present time are the Islamic Jihad movement represented by Iran and that Commie nut case in North Korea.

So, Iran and North Korea. Some big nukable cities there Like Tehran and Ponyang.

We can get the word out to our supporters and friends in Tehran to take a short vacation can't we?

If we Nuke them while we are still the Big Dog of the world we can scare the hell out of every
one on the planet for another 100 years. And mabye cut the heads off a few big snakes in the process. Some pundit was recently saying that we have way to many people on this planet anyway... the question is which people are in that to many people group?

( I know , nobody wants that kind of wholesale slaughter in their lifetime. The question is when are they (terriorists) going to try and blackmail the US with their nukes?)

This is why the US Government needs to spread out around the country.
Let's ask all 34,000 lobbyists to stay in DC though.

Let those illegal mexicans become Legal after 4 years in the US army. We are going to need more soldiers and taxpayers. Hell, I'll take any South American who wants to carry a gun.

Besides they are largely Christian and share similar values to the majority of Americans.

We can buy Pineapple Head down in Venezuela a little island for his exile or kill him too.
We need more oil and if we offer everyone in Venezuela American citizenship I think the
majority would take it. Venezuela, the 51st State !
Hey, Alaska isn't exactly around the corner either.

In summary, we can get meaner than they are and wipe them out or hope that our enemies will decide to get more friendly toward us.
Look at history. WAR WAR WAR. Survival of the tecno superiors....
You might have a greater chance of being struck by lightning than you do of avoiding being in a war during your lifetime.

So America, Let's get busy.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

St. Joe Pumps out ads and PR

When the going gets tough, St. Joe runs more ads and spends more on PR.

No one else is doing the Job they are right now to create awareness for this part of Florida.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Record sale in Rosemary Beach

Yes we did sell a Beach front home in Rosemary beach, Fl for $7.2 Million dollars which is also the second highest sale in the 30-A area to date.
There are buyers in the market.

Just not enough to go around for all of the sellers trying to sell nearly 500 homes between $1 million and $3 Million dollars on 30 A alone,

But it is a a good time for shrewd buyers.........yes....very good.

Monday, September 18, 2006

spread the news

Here's a discussion from Jeff Masters' valuable Wunderblog:

A trend to El Niño at this time of year is unusual; May or June are the typical months that El Niño starts to develop. While the Climate Prediction Center expects that this will be a weak El Niño, the unusual timing of this event puts us in relatively uncharted territory. Since 1950, only one El Niño has started in the Fall, the El Niño of 1968. This event was an average El Niño, with a peak SST warming in the East Pacific of 1.0º C. For comparison, the warming was 2.3-2.5º C in the record El Niño events of 1997-98 and 1982-83. The unusual timing of the 2006 El Niño event comes on the heels of the unusual timing of the La Niña event that ended in May. The 2006 La Niña started very late--no La Niña of similar magnitude had ever formed in the middle of winter, as this one did. One may legitimately ask if these events might be linked to human-caused climate change. I am concerned that this might be the case, but we don't have a long enough record of historical El Niño events to know. Up until 1975, La Niña events and El Niño events used to alternate fairly regularly with a period of 2-7 years. Between 1950 and 1976 there were seven El Niño events and seven La Niña events. Since 1976, El Niño events have been approximately twice as frequent as La Niña events, with ten El Niño events and only six La Niñas. Some researchers have speculated that this is due to the effects of global warming causing a new "resonance" in the climate system. If so, this is one way in which global warming may end up causing a decrease in Atlantic hurricane activity over the coming decades, since the increased wind shear over the Atlantic during El Niño events greatly reduces the number and intensity of these storms.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

This is Rich


Click on above link for article

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Political Spot

Judge Angers Commander in Chief .... and The NSA

"Interestingly, the final words of Judge Taylor's ruling are from Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren's 1967 opinion in U.S. v. Robel: 'Implicit in the term "national defense" is the notion of defending those values and ideas which set this Nation apart. . . . It would indeed be ironic if, in the name of national defense, we would sanction the subversion of . . . those liberties.' "

Source: Article

Friday, September 15, 2006

My new friend, El Niño

Friday, September 15, 2006

As most of you know, El Niño conditions put a major damper on both the number and intensity of Atlantic tropical cyclones. This is primarily due to increased wind shear.

Typical El Niño effects are likely to develop over North America during the upcoming winter season. Those include warmer-than-average temperatures over western and central Canada, and over the western and northern United States. Wetter-than-average conditions are likely over portions of the U.S. Gulf Coast and Florida, while drier-than-average conditions can be expected in the Ohio Valley, the Pacific Northwest, and most of the U.S.-affiliated islands in the north tropical Pacific.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

back from the NYC

New York New York,

Frank had it right.

What a town.

So much there and such a counter point to 30-A

I think I see what all those New Yawker's are doing flying back and forth between New York City and Florida.....

It's like sweet and salty....

Back and forth over and over .... counterpoint... like Those two sisters Yin and Yang.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

End Users Rule

This is the reality of our local market right now.
People who appreciate that this is a good time to aquire a second home at a better price to value ratio than a year or two ago.

They are patient, experienced people of means and will help put stability back into this market.

There are some good values in this market right now. How good does it have to be to get you back into the market?

Friday, September 08, 2006


Real estate analyst Jack McCabe, of McCabe Research and Consulting in Deerfield Beach, Fla., says that desperate developers in South Florida, for example, are now offering potential buyers a host of generous incentives, in one case even the free use of a yacht. "Our area's incentives really vary by market and product type, so we're seeing just about everything today -- points and closing costs being paid by sellers, upgraded trim and generous kitchen appliance packages, one year of (paid) condo fees, big-screen plasma TVs being thrown in for free, two-year leases on luxury automobiles, even ... limousine service both to and from the airport whenever you need it."
McCabe says he's seen sellers offering higher commissions -- "in ranges from five to 12 percent" -- to get a higher level of service from real estate brokers, in addition to discounted prices.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Better a Niche to be...

With wall street dropping 75 points on bad news from major hombuilders we realize that our little corner of the world is really a niche market or a micro market as I like to refer to it.
Sometimes it's better to be a niche in the rock than to be the rock.
And remember... Being big didn't save the Dinosaur's

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

$140 Billion speaks

Bubble trouble rubbish

NEW YORK -- Sept. 6, 2006 -- If there is one good reason to believe the U.S. housing market wasn't in a true bubble in recent years, and that the popping of that bubble won't soon spell ruin for the economy, it is that so many smart and otherwise optimistic experts have predicted just such a scenario for so long.

You know the basic plot: Millions of Americans saddled with homes they can't afford will face imminent foreclosure. That process will flood the market with more inventory -- driving down home prices even further.

Then this vicious cycle will begin anew until prices finally bottom out with a horrific thud. As a result, consumers will stop spending and the economy will dive into a severe consumer-led recession.

But what if the housing market not only isn't going into a death spiral, what if the U.S. economy is less dependent on housing than we were led to believe?

That provocative thesis comes from an unlikely and profoundly respected authority on such matters -- Ray Dalio and the folks at Bridgewater Associates, the second biggest manager of hedge fund assets in the world, with more than $140 billion in assets.

Bridgewater became that big the old-fashioned way: with decades of spot-on analysis of the U.S. and global economy -- which is why its take on housing merits notice.

First of all, Bridgewater believes that the housing market will likely enjoy a so-called soft landing, with prices dropping on average by only 7 percent -- the amount it says is likely needed to bring home prices back to average levels of affordability.

If that's the case, they say, the impact on GDP (gross domestic product) will be noticeable, but not too painful. One only has to look at the soft landing in Britain -- where housing mania preceded the American frenzy -- to see that a soft landing is not only possible but tolerable.

As for U.S. consumer spending, here too Bridgewater is betting that the indirect impact of rising home prices may have been overblown.

Although it is widely known that homeowners last year took out $530 billion in home equity and other home-related loans, Bridgewater believes with interest rates still relatively low, creative consumers are finding ways to replace that home piggybank with other types of financing from credit card companies and the like.

"The notion that a slowdown in housing leads to a slowdown in the economy is often true, but not because the housing market causes the slowdown," the Bridgewater report concludes. "Rather, interest rates generally are raised to a level that chokes off all activity and housing gets hit first. Our measures suggest rates are still too low to choke off the overall economy."

Of course, the recent housing mania is without precedent -- especially to the extent that it was driven and nurtured by record amounts of borrowed money. Given the excess, the case for a hard landing is easy to fathom.

But don't count the Bridgewater analysis out -- they have the track record, and so far the economic numbers are on their side.

Copyright © 2006 NYP Holdings Inc., Terry Keenan. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

This Takeout is no Treat


When private insurers participate in Citizens Property Insurance Corp.'s
takeout program -- which allows the companies to take homeowners'
policies from what is now Florida's largest property insurer -- those
homeowners find that they have little choice in the matter. And the
switch often results in huge rate increases.

Read the full story:

Monday, September 04, 2006

Happy Labor day

I hope you all enjoyed this last big three day weekend before the long stretch .....
Please tell all your friends about what a special place we have here.
And that we are having a rare price rollback that gives you who missed buying a home during
the last price run up another chance.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Holiday music on 30A

Ahhhh the holidays....

Isn't it nice going on holiday?

We have been enjoying the Music series/Street parties at the main intersection in WaterColor this weekend.
Good music and good wine and kudos to the fine folks at Ceruleans who promoted the affair.
