Just back from Miami Beach ... that Big Miami Vice city in South Florida, the un-offical capital of Central and South America. SOBE OR NOT TO SOBE that is the question.
After seeing Miami, my associate proclaimed " we are not Florida".
Most people in Miami don't know we exist and whatever.
It can be hard to explain.
" we are from North Florida.... TAMPA?? uh no.
And you don't want to say Pensacola or Panama City or Eglin, etc.
Not to be critical but it would not describe our little strip of Hip along what many still call the Redneck Coast etc.
So you try ever hear of SEASIDE? ... No Destin? ..... No New Urbanism? ,,, No
Well we have the Emerald water and powder white sands, the best in Florida?
That's nice.
I guess you just have to be here.
I also think we have the clear advantage when we talk about good family fun vacations.